3D Printing - Knight Piece

This is the 3D Printing process for the Knight Piece I designed in the 3D Modelling portion

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To prepare for the printing process, I exported the Fusion design as an .stl file and imported it into cura 3D. I then to adjust the sizing of the Knight Piece before slicing and preparing to print.

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Once im done with the slicing, I stated with the print. It took around 30 mins to print the entire piece out.

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This is the completed print. This print however is the 2nd print I made, the first print I made was too thin and broke halfway while i was trying to remove the support which was why I had to make a 2nd print.

Laser Cutting - Music Box

This is the laser cutting process for the music box I designed in the 3D Modelling portion

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Firstly, I created sketches of all the panels and exported them as DXF files. I then uploaded this files onto corell draw to be laser cutted.

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This is what the final product looked like. The music mechanism was alot smaller then I thought, I had assumed I would need more clearance than it needed which resulted the box being a bit too big for the mechanism. However, it is usually much safer to building the box too big then too small. If the box was too small, I would not have been able to put the mechanism in.